Email sent by a fan

Great Organization

To Whomever Gets This,

My name is Nik Sakellis from London, Ontario, Canada. Past AAA/Junior hockey player, now coaching in the London AAA system / working full time. I guess I would consider myself a junior hockey buff and fanatic. I am now 25 (1990).

I’ve been following the process of the English River Miners for some time now. Purchased a pass on Fast Hockey and have watched a few games. What really got my attention was the promo video that was made a while back (maybe about a year or so ago?). Either way, the story behind the team is fantastic, especially for a small community in the far reaches of this province. It’s great to see a community organization like yours making sure a group of teens become men over what could be considered some of the best years of their young lives. Thus far it seems to be a pretty gritty year in the SIJHL (as always).

Keep competitive and driving for more success. I think what’s happening up there is absolutely amazing.

Anyways, just thought I’d toss the organization this quick email. It’s great to see and I enjoy following along.

Cheers and best of luck,
